Friday, October 18, 2013

Sure it's scary, but I'm not going to let it worry me

There aren't many words in the English language more frightening than "cancer."

My mother is a cancer survivor, my grandfather outlasted cancer and died at age 89. The people I consider my closest friends have all been pretty fortunate, and we went through a scare about 15 years ago only to learn that my lovely wife did not have cancer.

One of my sisters-in-law has been battling cancer for the last couple of years and seems to be holding her own.

Monday I'm going to find out if it's my turn.

About six weeks ago, I had a couple of symptoms that sent me to the doctors office for the first time in more than a year. I learned I had Type 2 diabetes, and I learned there were a couple of other irregularities that would need to be checked out.

Apparently there is the possibility I may qualify for a yellow ribbon. Thankfully, not the one of the right. Bone cancer is one of the really scary ones. My problem, such as it may be, is with my bladder.

I'm really not that worried. The lab tests that have been done don't show any cancer cells, and I haven't had any pain or discomfort.

Still, they want to be sure. I'm going into the hospital Monday morning for a biopsy, which in this case is considered outpatient surgery. I will go in, get put to sleep -- temporarily -- and then they will open me up and look at what they think is a tumor on my bladder. If it turns out to be benign, that would be the end of it. If it is cancerous, then we'll have to determine where to go from there.

I don't have any complaints. I have had a wonderful life, and while I certainly hope it will last longer than just this, I don't think I have been cheated out of anything.

At this point, all I can really do is leave it in the hands of God, who has always treated me pretty well.

I've got no problem at all with that.

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