Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Neither Snake nor Rooster, but I do have the patch

Talk about annoying.

A little less than a week ago, my distance vision started getting a little more blurry than usual.

Then on Saturday, that blurry vision turned into double vision. By Monday morning, everything outside of about 18 inches away was coming up twice, side by side.

If I covered my left eye, I could see almost normally, but of course that was nothing more than a short-term fix.

So I went to the doctor and he told me I had had a stroke.

Editor's note: No he didn't.

Well ...

It was what he called a "tiny" stroke, sort of the stroke equivalent of Donald Trump's childlike hands. And it wasn't in my brain.

It was in a nerve that supports a muscle that keeps my left eye in place.

Without the proper support, my left eye crossed a little bit, causing double vision.

There's no medication for it and no physical therapy either. It will heal, although it might take as long as 2-3 months.  Since I cannot face the world cross-eyed and with double vision, I will have to wear an eyepatch.

I'll have one advantage over Snake Plissken or Rooster Cogburn. I actually have a (mal-)functioning eye behind my patch, so if some lowlife rips it off during a debutante ball, people probably won't be losing their lunch.

Still, it's going to be an annoying winter (and a bit of spring).

Maybe I should see the positive side of it. Hey, I'll only see half a much of the things I don't want to see.

Sort of.

Not really.

Oh well.

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