Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Facebook brings back connections we had forgotten

There is one thing very strange about Facebook.

It has become so ubiquitous in our lives that we wind up reconnecting with people from our past without even really making the effort.

Just yesterday I was commenting on a Facebook page called "You Know You Grew Up in Fairfax if ..." and a woman whose name I didn't recognize responded to my post by saying she thought she knew me, that I had been a friend of her older brother when we were in high school.

As it turned out, she was right. She was in ninth grade when her brother and I were seniors, and she was a cute kid who eventually became a very beautiful girl. In fact, when I mentioned to my great friend Mick that I had heard from her, his response was "She was hot, hot, hot in high school." He's a year younger than she is, so he spent three years in high school with her.

I wouldn't mention it, except that more than 40 years after high school, she'll probably appreciate the memory.

I actually saw her brother, who is my oldest friend, at my 40-year high school reunion in 2007. We met in 1963 and he was one of the groomsmen in my first wedding. I hadn't seen his sister since high school, but I heard from him that she was doing well.

It was nice to hear from her, and to look through her pictures on Facebook and see what has happened in her life for the last 45 years or so.

I'll leave her name out of this, but I will use a picture I grabbed off her Facebook page. She may be 60, but she's still a good-looking woman.

I guess things really do go on forever with Facebook.

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